Tuesday, October 23, 2007

need a little color

ART 101

Tom Robbins wrote "the function of art is to provide what life does not".

I've never seen an artist conjure water.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

18 October 2007

nothin toit but to doit

Since my natural person is near and dear to me, indeed inseparable, I'm posting when I should be commenting (never could play by the rules) on the West Virginia makeover video. Looks like Utah's coming. And if that makes you sick, try project censored if you've not already been there. A good idea would be to post a reference in libraries, they need more visibility.

I opened with "natural person" because that is the discrepancy found in the headnotes (not legally binding yet practiced anyway) of the Santa Clara County vs Southern Pacific RR. If you're not familiar with the case look it up, it explains alot. Maybe if we start using the terms, natural persons and artificial persons, for humans and corporations, respectively, than people will begin to think more in those terms.

According to the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, (info@celdf.org) there are two towns in the country to dethrone their corporate nemesi. It's a start.

Back at project censored, I read yesterday that McDonalds and Disney were attempting to gain
status in the UN!

Comments |

Monday, October 15, 2007

Stop The Madness,Just Say Whoah!

The biggest threat to the environment is our own mindset. With catch phrases like "multi-tasking" and "time is money", is there little doubt that industrialism has seeded itself into the very marrow of our bones? Are we so self serving as to render ourselves and our posterity moot in the wake of our own greed?

That's the poor man's point of view. I suppose if you were wealthy and powerful you could easily promote genocide of the world's poor, sick, elderly, or simply non-similar people, and view that as a method of sound environmental practice. You know, drop some bombs here and there, deplete resources, populations. That would work too, but I don't think another arms race would be good for the environment either.

You see at one point "civilization" was measured by the distance that you placed between yourself and the elements. Nature was the bad guy, with heathens, savages, even hillbillies and country bumpkins, ( today we have rednecks what do you think of that!). But I stray. There was disease, violence, theft, war, storms, raping, pillaging and plundering, much as we have today. Heated homes and indoor plumbing are a real plus granted, but that's little progress in the field of "civilization". At some point I would think the word "civility" might come into play, as in being civil to each other. Being civil, and considerate to our posterity.

Coyotes control their birthrate depending on the available resources. We need to change our mindset.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

11 October 2007


Well, I think that someone finally stumbled onto "Say What?".[link fixed by Phydeaux]

It would appear that I have struck a nerve with our friend$ on the extreme right. I started the site little more than a month ago, say what was no big deal. Type in "Say What?" blogspot and there's close to two million options. Talk about loosing a needle in a haystack! What a tactic. This is probably old news to a lot of you polished bloggers out there, but to me, man it must have been an act of god!

Speak of the devil! God told me today to round up all his opposition on the planet and do a turn about. Fair play right? So anyone that reads this, as duty to your country, name a blog Jesus, heaven, Federalist, Republican, Armageddon, G8, you get the picture, and put in the heading something like Santa Clara vs Southern Pacific, or doesn't class by definition dictate segregation. It's time to separate the good christians from the money mongers!

I Want My Now Back II

I live in Southern Appalachia. It was always a joy , more than that, a thing of spiritual inspiration to hike to the top of a mountain somewhere, early in the morning, and look down across a vast panorama of mountains as far as the eye could see. There was a peace that rested gently on your heart and you knew, by virtue of being there , that all was right with the world.

The inspiration and peace was of such power that similar imagery would often be used to illustrate or suggest the ambiance of heaven, invoking awe through our visual sensibilities.

I find it difficult to get excited going to the top of a mountain these days. For a number of years now there has been a brown band across the horizon. Whatever this band is composed of is thick enough to blot out the sun at dawn, and lingers throughout the day.

The clouds used to mingle with the trees in these hills. Vapor so stout you could see it. I counted six crunchy caterpillars in the crunchy grass on my way out to the woodshed today.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

do you want your now back?

If I had to summarize the source of this ranting that we all seem so intent on venting, I'd have to say that we 're missing our now. ( I speak here in generalizations, some of us have our now, some only now and then, ( can you have your now then?), and some more than others ). Now then, as I was saying.... now what was I talking about, oh yeah...Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their now. There now, I said it.

If your planning for your future right now, or thinking about last night, you might be missing your now, or you could be lacking all together in nowknowledge. Now, now let's not get silly.
A little late for that, silly I mean, not now.

If you've lost your now, and you'd like to have it back, or if you've never had a now and would like to try one, I now present this dissertation for your sampling.

Now don't get greedy!

Comments (7) | Trackback People who are Stealing Our Thunder

Saturday, September 29, 2007

it's gotta burn a hole in your craw

Like the man said, I'm a neofight at this gizmo here. But in the short time that I've been online I surmise that there's a lot of angry ranting along with a lot of angry ranting support.

Anybody read RULES FOR RADICALS, by Saul D. Alinski? Great book! Saul was an activist during the witch hunt days of the fifties. He was also influential in gaining a voice for the African American movement. I mention the book because it offers insight into his way of tackling the deaf ear.

Does anyone have a rough tally of how many folks out there choose to not WORSHIP the money god? Everyone that's alternatively minded, 36.5 million in poverty, the meagerly paid working class, in short everyone who is not profiting from this wacky world, and that's a lot of people. They may not all be like you and me, but we all share the common thread of oppression, and that should take precedent over all our differences. Join them in conversation.
Be nice, not angry, we need numbers. It's not so much like minds that we seek, as it is the common thread that binds us.

It's gotta burn a hole in your craw enough to step away from the keyboard, and out of your safety zone. Talk to a stranger about what oppresses them. Connect. Circulate petitions, get names, mailing addresses, ( real and virtual), phone numbers, be nice, pin point a cause, collect money and go for it. Write congress . Clog up their emails with rants. Work smart, where it will be effective. Work it will be.
9 real and vurtual)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

the universe

An almost wise old crone that told me once, "you can bend the universe to your will only so far."

Bending the universe is the business of the day in this culture of mass consumption. Fabricating an existence, an item, or incidence, is required to progress in this day and age. Bending the universe is only as good as the weakest point, and the weakest point is the one doing the bending.
Just something to think about while we're all bending away.

Ironic that money was fabricated as a means of reducing violence, "you don't have to kill, you can now buy what you want!" So what happened? Back to nature? If we fabricate our natural environment to suit us, does it not stand to reason that we have to change our nature as well in order to continue in a progressive direction. We are collectively as we are individually. Our biggest obstacle is ourselves.

Speaking of fabricating money, It's legal in the US to have currencies other than US standard. What if everyone had their own currency, we'd be back to the barter system!

the nature of things

So we step away from nature for the sake of civilizing ourselves, thereby creating a void that we try to fill up with stuff, activities,entertainment, whatever, it doesn' really matter what we chose to fill it with, the fact that civilization as we practice it leaves us with a burning hole to fill is the point I'm trying to make. There are numerous case studies of indigenous peoples. These studies show that they do not experience such a void. In fact there are diseases found in civilized cultures that are not found in the natural environment, such as schizophrenia , bi-polarism. Einsteins theory of relativity, we've made monumental strides towards physical health issues but we're loosing our minds in the process. I just don't think we can change the nature of things.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What is Civilzation?

What is civilization? It's a question that I find myself asking a lot these days. Is it filling your time with entertainment? Or the convenience of jumping in your car to by something that you don't really need? OR IS IT SIMPLY BEING CIVIL TO EACH OTHER AND THE GUY DOWN THE ROAD?

I have a question that I've been meaning to ask;

In a class oriented society such as ours, how can we hope to overcome prejudice and segregation when class by definition is segregating?

Any candidate that can answer that can have my vote!